The end of Women's History Month

The end of Women's History Month

March proved to be a busy month for both Sainte Nèl and myself. Earlier this month, I ventured out to the East Coast for a weeklong trip. I started near the Appalachian mountains in North Carolina (you can read more about my trip here). After a few days, I headed further north, to Saratoga Springs, in upstate New York. The weather was cold but I got to spend the week with my niece and two of my closest friends.

Likewise, March was active for Sainte Nèl as well. We announced a new retail partnership with Modern Mouse gifts located in Alameda, CA. and debuted new order inserts - a bookmark.

The real activity though, was a result of the reopening of retail sales after our Winter Break. To my pleasant surprise, our nude nail polish, Nothing Compares, emerged as a standout favorite among our customers this month.

I’ve mentioned before that I’m a red-nail polish kind of lady. Nothing Compares isn’t one of my go-to shades, but I decided to wear it all month. You can’t go wrong with a nude nail polish! It’s classic, chic, and effortlessly complements any outfit. It looks amazing on all skin tones, and best of all, it’s not as noticeable when it starts to chip.

Monday is April and the start of a new quarter, and I usually take this time to assess my progress on the years' goals. One of my Sainte Nèl goals is to revamp our packaging for the Luxury at its Finest Nail tool set. I’m also working on a longer term project that I hope to have developed by early 2025.

In my personal life, this year, I’m tuning back into who I am as a person, before I became a lawyer, business owner and burdened with the expectations of modern life. I’m only three months in and I have already rediscovered several things that I used to enjoy, but I stopped doing because I was too busy. The long term Sainte Nèl project I referenced earlier is one of these things and I can't wait to share it with you all. 

Is there something you used to do when you were younger or had less responsibility, that you have stopped doing? If its something that brought you joy or peace, I want to encourage you to see if you can incorporate it back into your life.

Before I go… we’re at the end of Women’s History Month for 2024 so enjoy a few random and little known facts about women.

  • Less than 20 percent of the world’s land is owned by women
  • Women couldn't get credit cards on their own until 1974, when the Equal Credit Opportunity Act was signed into law.
  • Susan La Flesche became the first Native American woman to earn a medical degree in the United States in 1889. 
  • Marie Curie is credited with coining the term “radioactivity” which describes the phenomenon of radiation caused by atomic decay
  • Harriet Tubman was the first woman to lead an armed military operation the Combahee River Raid) in the US.
  • The 19th Amendment granted white women the right to vote in 1920 but not all women. Native women received the right in 1924, Asian women in 1952, and The 19th Amendment granted white women the right to vote in 1920. Native women received the right in 1924, Asian women in 1952, and Black women and other women of color in 1965. Lastly, it took a 1975 extension of the Voting Rights Act, which prohibited discrimination against non-English speakers, to expand voting access to women who rely heavily on languages other than English.